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Join us February 29th 2024

About the clinic

Experience the ultimate Mountain SlayerzClinic on Feb29th at 9AM, led by the skilled snowmobile guide, Lisa Granden. Designed for both intermediate and beginner riders, these clinics offer you the chance to enhance your riding skills, gain confidence in challenging terrain, and make lasting friendships.With a limited group of 5-6 participants, you'll receive personalized instruction from Lisa during 5 action-packed hours, including 2 hours of on-unit training and 3 hours on the trails. Our program covers a wide range of skills, from sled setup tailored to your needs to mastering throttle control, body positioning, and handling different terrains. By the end of the clinic, you'll be well-prepared for backcountry adventures and ready to tackle the slopes with confidence. Join us and embark on a thrilling journey toward becoming a skilled, fearless snowmobiler.

What's included: Instruction from expert guides Lisa Granden

Location: Uinta Mountains Soapstone about 30 minutes from Park City, UT or Heber, UT

Clinic price: $350 (Bring your own sled)

Clinic price with rental Ski-Doo: $500

**Lodging is not included in this tour. If you are visiting from out of the area there are plenty of options in Heber or Park City.


Let's ride the beautiful Uinta Mountains!